What’s up, guys?! This blog is gonna be a little different from my usual educational tutorials.
I’m going to talk about the ONE THING that made me a millionaire. Yes. One thing. Made me. A Millionaire.
Now, for the record, I don’t think “making it in life” or “being successful” is all about the amount of money you make.
Don’t get me wrong…
Money is a necessary part of the world we live in.
I love money. We need it to pay our bills, to buy food, buy clothes, to travel, to have fun…
To create the lives of our dreams.
And there are a LOT of different ways you can make “passive” income…
Selling courses, affiliate marketing, stock trading, crypto, real estate, yada, yada, yada…
But I feel like this NEEDS to be said, so I’m just going to say it…
Unless you’re selling pictures of your feet on the internet (which hey, doesn’t sound like a bad gig lol)…
When it comes to making money online, it takes time and effort before it’s easy.
Yup… creating PASSIVE income takes ACTIVE work and investment. Shocker I know.
I get so damn tired of seeing all these posts online claiming to be the magic button to making a million dollars overnight…
Because (spoiler alert)… success is not TAUGHT – it’s caught.
The number of programs or videos or posts you consume is not going to change anything without you putting in the work.
I spent 10 years building my experience, knowledge and skills behind the scenes, trying and failing – before I launched the Copy Posse and had my first million-dollar year.
So let’s DROP this unrealistic dream everyone seems to have that you’ll watch a YouTube video, learn the secret of millionaires, and then POOF become a millionaire overnight.
So no, I’m NOT going to give you a list of mindset tips you need to be successful…
This is NOT that kind of blog – sorry to burst your bubble…
But I AM going to tell you STRAIGHT UP how I became a millionaire.
And how YOU can do it too.
Now, before I tell you the ONE thing I did to become a millionaire…
Which by the way is how MOST millionaires became millionaires.
There’s something you need to know and this is going to be a hard pill to swallow…
In order to be successful, you need to be unattached to the OUTCOME.
But obsessed with the PROCESS.
That will make more sense to you in a moment but I’ll start out by saying that the MOST important first step is to start a business you LOVE — not a business you think will make you a million dollars…
Because before you can wake up as a millionaire one day…
You have to go through the awkward and painful beginner phase – where all you feel is like you’re responding and reacting and wondering what the hell you’re even doing.
I don’t care who you follow on Instagram who LOOKS like they have everything all figured out and are “consciously creating their life” and manifesting millions of dollars…
Even for those people it took time and a lot of hard work.
EVEN IF they don’t tell you about those hard days or the long process.
So if you’re caught up on the idea of what success “LOOKS LIKE” – you know, being featured in Oprah, winning a nobel peace prize, sending people to Mars, driving a Lambo, or whatever the hell else you want…
All that stuff is great — but that is OUTCOME focused…
And if that’s all you’re looking at when you get started, you will get discouraged and give up before you get there….
But if you fall in love with the PROCESS.
That’s when the magic really happens.
Focus on who you can help and how…
And then on how you can do that over and over and over again…
And then on how can you continue to invest in yourself, your customers and your future.
So how did I become a millionaire?
I picked ONE problem that I could solve for ONE person…
For me, it was helping an aspiring copywriter start their freelance business from scratch…
I started my YouTube Channel in February 2019 with a focus on the ONE thing and I did that one thing really, really well…
I became OBSESSED with it.
I didn’t let “shiny object syndrome” come along and move me in a different direction.
I stayed focused. I stayed persistent. I stayed in my own lane and didn’t worry about what other people were doing.
After I started my YouTube channel, it took me 6 damn months to hit 1,000 subscribers. 6 MONTHS!
That’s a long time to wait in this “instant gratification” society we live in today.
Yet everyone says my channel “came out of nowhere”…
Right – they just didn’t see the work, time, effort and investment I put in behind the scenes before that…
I could’ve given up after the “new business honeymoon phase” and I wouldn’t be here right now making this blog…
But, I kept showing up over and over and over again.
I focused on delivering the best quality content I could.
I stayed reliable and consistent.
And eventually… slowly… my channel began to pick up momentum.
I started gaining more subscribers…
Some of whom eventually became customers…
I started helping more people and investing in myself and my business…
And then I got there… one million dollars and my business only grew from there.
So I’ll say it again…
One thing, done really well, over and over again – for the right people – can make you a million dollars.
It sounds simple BECAUSE IT IS SIMPLE.
It does not have to be complex to be effective.
I’m not the only person who has built multi-million dollar companies by following this framework…
Crocs, Spanx, Gorilla Glue.
None of these businesses took off overnight.
MOST PEOPLE would have quit after the honeymoon phase…
And that’s why MOST PEOPLE never make a million dollars.
So if you want to make a million dollars…
- ✅ Pick your method/product. What do you LOVE? What problem can you become obsessed with solving?
- ✅ Improve, hone, and perfect your method/product. Focus on delivering the best results you can. Regardless of the number of people who are paying attention. Give your best.
- ✅ Stay consistent. This one is the biggest factor in whether you will be successful. You HAVE to stay consistent. Remember – slow and steady wins the race.
Alright, guys…
I hope you liked this little rant session…
Make sure to like and subscribe to my newsletter if you’re interested in learning more about copywriting, marketing, and online business…
I’m Alex. Ciao for now!