Today, I’m breaking down the TWO formulas you need to know if you want to write authentic, authority-building and all-around awesome About Pages that’ll get you more clients and customers, every damn time.
TRUTH BOMB: It doesn’t matter what niche or industry you’re working in… after your Home Page, your About Page is the most important supporting asset that you can possibly include on your main website.
Your About Page is what potential clients will visit most frequently when they’re thinking about buying from you… but they aren’t quite convinced… yet.
Because the truth is that, today, audiences are seeking out MORE than just products and services…
They’re seeking out products and services from brands that they actually connect with (& ones that share their personal values)…
So your About Page is your way of answering the question: Yeah, but who are you… really?!
Which is a very, very, VERY important question to answer…
Because today, prospects have A TON of solutions to choose from.
So even when your sales page or home page explains every single feature and overcomes every possible objection… that alone may not be enough to make a prospect pick you, over your competition.
In cases like this, the deciding factor in a prospect giving YOU their business is almost always your brand story, mission and values…
Which they will discover by reading your About Page!
Unfortunately, many businesses today are still making the mistake of treating their About Page like a tedious obligation and just throwing up a BORING ol’ bio to prove that they are, in fact, a real human being… or a team of real human beings.
But I’m here to tell you that your About Page is a valuable opportunity for your prospects to connect with who you are, what you do and WHY you do it…
Now there are two formulas that I always follow to write authentic, authority-building, and all-around awesome About Pages that’ll get you more clients and customers…
And in today’s blog, I’m breaking down both formulas for you – step-by-step.
Hey guys, what’s up? It’s Alex! Welcome to my blog.
Now, the inspiration for this week’s article came directly from the students in my LIVE copywriting coaching program—The Copy Posse Launch Pad.
A few of them were hired to write About Pages for clients and they asked: What’s the difference between an About page for a personal brand vs. an organization?
I thought it was such a good question, and one that the rest of the Copy Posse community would likely benefit from, and that is what we’re exploring in this blog post…
But first I just want to take a moment to give my Copy Posse students, and all of you a massive shout-out! This community, this platform, and all of my content would NOT be what it is today without the questions and inspiration that come directly from you!
I couldn’t ask for a radder crew of freelancers and entrepreneurs – so THANK YOU for being here, and thank you for your continued support, suggestions, and questions.
Gimme a comment below if you’re already part of the global Copy Posse.
And if you’re new around here, welcome welcome! I put out a new copywriting, marketing, or business tutorial every single week so go ahead and join my newsletter to hear when the next one is live.
Alright now let’s dive straight into the TWO different types of About Pages…
About Page Formula #1: Personal Brands
Now, when it comes to personal brands, many will start out by integrating their story briefly on the Homepage itself… but it’s always smart to have a dedicated About Page.
Personal brands have the advantage of sharing their own individual story to establish a connection & emotional resonance with the reader.
When prospects can see themselves in your story, identify with your mission, and visualize their own potential for success through your personal journey – they begin to form an unknowing alliance with your brand.
Every About Page for a Personal brand should include the following 6 things…
1) Headline:
The main goal here is to inspire your reader and give them an idea of what your brand (NOT your product) is all about. You can write a single headline – or a main headline with a subheadline.
But just remember that you want your readers to feel an immediate sense of belonging, and inspire them to keep reading. Here’s a great example from Marie Forleo. She shares who she is and why you should keep reading.
2) Intro:
Here you’re going to share your mission and give the reader a clear explanation of your purpose. Explain what makes you (your brand) different, unique, special, and WHY your reader should hang with you and not your competition. Here’s a great example from Jim Kwik where he quickly shares his passion and mission to create a smarter and more caring world by helping you reclaim your power.
3) Story:
This part will depend on your brand personality. You could write it as a story that spans your personal origin story and how it led you here—or you could write it as a detailed bio that focuses on your experience and your accomplishments.
And because I know you’re wondering… there is no right or wrong length on how much you should include here.
Just remember that the objective is to present a narrative that relates to your mission and vision. Here’s a great example from Vishen Lakhiani’s About Page where he shares his journey, starting with the Early Years.
4) Method:
This is completely optional, but if the method, or approach, that you use in your products and services requires additional education or explanation—then here is where you would expand on it.
For example, if your brand utilizes a unique method of Ayurvedic healing and a functional, holistic approach to food and medicine… you would probably want to explain a little more about that.
Because while that all makes sense to YOU, your prospects may be a little unclear what that actually means.
Here’s a great example from Mona Sharma, where she explains her unique philosophy and approach to healing.
5) Authority:
This is where you want to include additional credibility factors like content, press, or platforms you’ve been featured on.
So, for example, if you have an active blog or social following, or have been featured on authority sites, podcasts, or have spoken on stages – this is where you can highlight your top ones.
Here’s a great example from Gabby Berstein where she showcases her books and her appearance on Oprah to name a few.
6) Call to Action:
You should always let your readers know what the next step is, how they can work with you, or what they can do to get started…
If you offer a range of products and services, you can feature your best one here, or offer them a free resource, or invite them to set up an intro call with you, or whatever action you want them to take next.
I love this example from Jay Shetty. He finishes his About page with a simple “Here’s How I Can Help” section.
Alright, now moving on to the second About Page formula…
About Page Formula #2: Organizations
For organizations and bigger brands that aren’t personality-based, you need to use your About Page to humanize your brand.
Personal brands have an advantage over larger organizations in this aspect.
So here you need to inspire the reader with your collective mission and showcase the people, practices, and values that are behind the organization.
These About Pages should include…
1) Headline:
Most organizations are pretty straightforward when it comes to the title of their About Page… but the header is where you can and should establish your brand vision or USP with an awesome headline.
Remember, you still need to catch attention & entice readers to actually read your About Page. Here’s a great example from Kajabi. They start their About page with a beautiful vision-based headline.
2) Mission:
Here you need to define your brand mission and give the reader a high-level explanation of how your products and services contribute to it.
This is where you might challenge the status quo, or call out certain problems. I love this Mission from LivSo. Their About page clearly outlines their mission and I’m here for it.
3) Story:
This can be a detailed journey or bio of how the organization was founded, how it has evolved, what it’s accomplished along the way, and the bigger vision that it’s working towards.
If the brand is driven by a public personality (like the founder, a group of friends, or a family) then this could be where you feature the founder’s story as well.
And when it comes to length, once again there is no standard length here. You just need to make sure you’re accomplishing the goal of inspiring your readers and relating them to your brand’s mission.
MailChimp has a great About Page where they share their Founder Story.
4) Method:
How this is where you will introduce, or expand, on the more unique attributes of your organization. Things like company values, working culture, or a behind-the-scenes preview.
Like the Values & Vibes Section on the Flourish & Thrive Academy About Page.
5) Team:
Numerous studies have shown that customers appreciate organizations that prioritize, and value, the talents & contributions of their employees.
Being able to put names and faces to the brand will make the buying experience more personal. I love the About Page from Yellow Leaf Hammocks which introduces you to the weavers who hand-make each piece.
6) Call To Action:
If you offer a range of products and services, you’ll feature the best ones here. Or at least let your readers know what the next step is for them to get started (like a trial offer, etc.)
Like this example from Choose Love which gives you the option to shop based on your specific needs.
Just remember, no matter what niche or industry you’re in or what type of business you have… your About Page is prime real estate for you to reel in customers by being real and relatable.
And if you to go further, check out my mini-course—the Look Legit Website Toolkit! You’ll get everything you need to create a website that sparks authority, trust & serious sales.
Until next time, I’m Alex. Ciao for now!