Boost Facebook Ad Conversions with THIS Copywriting Strategy (2024)

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If you want your ads to convert better, then keep watching because in this video, I’m revealing the #1 strategy most people completely overlook…

And no, it has nothing to do with your offer…

Your landing page…

Or your ad budget… 

It all comes down to something so incredibly simple, and it could change everything for you. 

Hey, Posse! What’s up? It’s Alex. 

Each week, I put out a new copywriting and marketing tutorial to help you make more money with words and build an online business you LOVE.

So if you’re a copywriter, freelancer, or business owner and that sounds good to you, then go ahead and subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop.

Now, when it comes to writing ads…

MOST business owners and copywriters get that they first must understand the audience they’re writing the copy for. I mean, that’s marketing 101, right? You gotta know who you’re speaking to.

You’ve heard me talk about the importance of identifying a clear and specific customer avatar – the demographic and psychographic traits that define your ideal target market. And yes, that is important.

But the problem is, when it comes to your customer avatar, quite often, you’re focusing on the WRONG things….

Or at least, you’re not looking at the whole “who” picture…

While it’s so important to have a general snapshot of your audience and what they care about, their fears and desires… 

There is one more INCREDIBLY important factor you need to take into account about your audience when writing your ads…

And that is their Level of Customer Awareness

If your ads are directing people to a $2,000 sales page – and these people have no idea who you are, what you do, what you sell, or why that has anything to do with them… 

Then yeah… your ads are going to tank

Because a COLD audience needs an entirely different ad strategy than warm or hot leads who already know, like and trust you…

This means KNOWING where your audience falls on the awareness pyramid and writing copy in a way that takes them to the next level… is the #1 way to get your ads to convert better. 

Your copy needs to meet people where they are or they won’t take action. 

Now you may be wondering… 

What Are The Levels of Customer Awareness?

According to Eugene Schwartz, one of the BEST copywriters in history and the author of Breakthrough Advertising, a book that many people consider to be “the holy grail” of copywriting.

The 5 levels of customer awareness are:

  • Totally unaware
  • Problem aware
  • Solution aware
  • Product aware
  • Very aware

And every level requires very different messaging triggers to inspire people to take action.

Understanding this copywriting strategy can be the BIGGEST game-changer when it comes to the performance of your Facebook or Meta ads.

So I’m going to go through each level of customer awareness right now, along with the important messaging triggers for each, starting with #1…

Level  #1 — Totally Unaware

Your audience has no idea that they even have a problem or pain worth solving. 

At this level, your prospect is not only completely unaware of you and your product… 

They have no freaking clue they even HAVE the problem in the first place. 

This means you need to pull them into your world before ever attempting to sell anything to them. 

How? Well, first you must grab their attention with a powerful hook, of course – and btw, I have an entire FREE guide to help you write compelling hooks based on Eugene Schwartz’s 5 levels of customer awareness…

You can download your free copy of that at the end of this blog. 

Once you have their attention, it’s then time to diagnose or educate them on a problem they don’t know they have yet. 

Sound complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple. 

You simply want to create engaging and relatable content that gives them an “Ah ha! I can relate to that!” moment.

This is often done through story, secrets and education. 

Think more of “you gotta hear this” copy and less “buy now” type of copy. 

In fact, some of the BEST ads for this audience are just re-purposed social posts. Like this ad we ran….

This was literally just an Instagram Reel that we created to increase awareness and boost followers, and it performed so well that we repurposed it into an ad.

“7 lessons I learned while building a 7-figure business…” 

It is a STRONG HOOK but it’s also broad enough to appeal to people who don’t even really KNOW they want to build an online business yet…

Maybe they’re currently working a 9-5 they hate or they’re on maternity or paternity leave and don’t want to go return to work but they’ve never even entertained the idea of starting a business or side hustle…

That’s where I come in. The goal of this ad is to light that spark in their mind that maybe they COULD start an online business, and that I could be the person to help.

Ads at this level of awareness should NEVER ask for a direct sale.

As you can see in the ad itself, we are JUST educating and encouraging engagement. We’re not asking for a sale or commitment from them at all.  They don’t know like or trust me yet, so I’m keeping it cool and leading with value.

But later, I will re-target the people who engage with this ad with other ads that WILL ask them to take the next step with me… 

Which brings us to the next level of customer awareness… 

Level  #2 — Problem Aware

Okay, so now the audience is aware that they have a problem, but they don’t know a solution exists…

So continuing with my example, these people now have this idea in their head that THEY want to make money online or start a side hustle or online business of some sort…

But they don’t yet know HOW to do that. 

I mean there are soooo many options out there – should they offer virtual assistant services, copywriting, photography, sell photos of their feet? Anything!

So at this level, the biggest roadblock in their way is figuring out WHAT solution is the right one for them. 

But the more they investigate all of these options… the more confused they feel and the more doubts they have. 

So this is where we want to introduce the solution of “copywriting” as being THE PERFECT solution for them. 

We want to “sell them” not on a product or service YET…

But instead, we want to sell them the IDEA of copywriting. 

We want them to believe fully that copywriting IS the path they should take – out of the other options – to make money online. 

Like in this ad we ran:

We’re literally saying RIGHT WAY… “Hey! Not sure if copywriting is right for YOU?” 

Then, we go on to address the exact situation these people are likely in right now: “You heard about this thing called copywriting and it sounds like it might be kinda cool. But you’re hesitating on taking action because you’re just not sure if it’s actually right for YOU…

So emphasizing with their pain here, then we go on to show them how we can help them.

If you find yourself saying F YEAH to any of these 5 signs then you can pretty certain you were   born to be a copywriter…

So here we are building their confidence and getting them excited about the possibilities…

They’re probably thinking, “OMG this is totally me! Maybe I CAN do this!

Then we ask them to take the next step, but remember…

We’re not selling a product or service YET. We’re selling the “solution” that “YES! Copywriting is right for me!”

So in this case, we’re giving them a free guide that will help them explore more of what copywriting is all about.

And most importantly…

This guide is going to build their confidence EVEN MORE and really convince them that this IS the right solution for them. 

So now these leads are committed to the solution and we’ve gotten them to take one more step into our world…

And now that our audience understands their problem and the best solution, we move onto… 

Level  #3 — Solution Aware

Prospects at this level know that copywriting is the right solution for them. They are “solution aware”.

But now they need to find the right person, brand or product to guide them. At this level, they are weighing their options.

Most people at this level aren’t ready to fully commit to a high-ticket offer. Of course – there will always be a few exceptions of people who go all-in IMMEDIATELY.

But remember, those are the exception – not the rule. 

What the majority of leads at the solution-aware level will need to do is dip their toes in the water and get a feel for who you are and what you can offer.

Here, you really want to focus on building TRUST. 

They’re looking for proof that YOU can solve their problem. So, continuing with our example. At this level, what I need to communicate is: “I am the RIGHT ONE to guide you and help you learn copywriting…

Take a look at this ad we ran for Posse Week – a week-long training I host for aspiring copywriting. 

It’s only $27, which is a lot easier to get a “YES” to than to my higher-ticket coaching program.

This is the level where you might run a masterclass, bootcamp, challenge or some other form of training that gives your leads a taste of what they’ll get if they decide to take the next step with you. 

So in this ad we’re showcasing social proof by inviting them to join me and thousands of copywriters and aspiring copywriters from around the world.

Then we’re highlighting the big promise or transformation they’re looking for:

  • Become the main character of your own story
  • Create more freedom, money, and impact
  • Ignite your copywriting business

Then we go on to list what they’ll learn in the training…

And ask them to join us for just $27. 

So up until this point, we’ve really been using our ads to get micro-commitments from our leads…

We started by just asking them to engage, which helps us re-target them with different ads later.

Then we asked them to join our email list in exchange for something free which helped us SELL them on the idea that copywriting is the RIGHT solution for them… 

Now we’re asking them to take the next step – which is joining me for a LIVE copywriting training and giving them a chance to SEE what I’m all about. 

We keep it low-ticket and low commitment – which makes it super easy for them to say YES. 

Once they go through the training they will either be convinced that I am NOT the right person to teach them copywriting.

Or they will be convinced that I am and primed and ready to learn more about my products and offers.

And at this point, they’ve moved to level four… 

Level  #4 — Product Aware

Alright, now we’re really heating up…

The audience knows they have a problem.

They know what the solution is.

They’ve shopped around and are starting to trust that YOU are the right person for them.

They’ve already taken a few small steps with your brand – like joining your email list, getting some of your freebies, subscribing, following you on social media…

They KNOW you can help them get the results they desire…

They are AWARE of your product or services, but they’re not quite sold yet! 

Prospects at this level may need a little extra convincing before they fully commit!

A great way to do this is by showcasing social proof, testimonials, and results!

Like this testimonial ad we ran for my 8-week copywriter coaching program – The Copy Posse Launch Pad.

This ad directed WARM prospects to the sales page to join the coaching program. And THIS is where we get into a “direct selling” ad strategy…

But because these leads still aren’t QUITE SURE. We’re going to use other people to do the selling for us through by sharing user-generated content and case studies. 

This is POWERFUL because 90% of people are more likely to trust OTHER PEOPLE than are the claims that businesses make. 

So now they know we can help them solve their problem, they’ve had a taste and want more. AND NOW they can see that this solution has helped other people achieve what THEY want to achieve. 

They’re ready to buy.

Which brings us to the final level…

Level  #5 — Very Aware

‍In this final level, prospects are HOT. This audience knows what they want, and they’re ready to buy, they’re just looking for a good reason to BUY NOW.

Selling at this level is as easy as putting an irresistible offer in front of them.

Now this is very important because without a GOOD REASON to buy now…

People will always, always, always continue to put it off until later. 

At this level, you need to incentivize action.

Like this ad we ran for my Launch Pad copywriter training program to highly engaged and interested leads and customers.

You can see this copy is SUPER SHORT for something that is selling a high-ticket offer… 

That’s because this audience is HOT so we don’t have to do much with the copy except remind them of the big promise and transformation…

And give them a little push to act now

You can see that we’re utilizing TIME SCARCITY. 

We’re saying “Hey doors close this week and once they close, you’ll have to wait an entire year for them to open again”…

Now you don’t have to use time scarcity at this level but you do want to give them SOME incentive for acting now, not later. 

That could be in the form of discounts, bonuses, or a limited number available. 

And that’s that – the 5 levels of customer awareness and the messaging triggers you need to consider at each one.

If you want to dive even deeper into Eugene Schwartz’s levels of awareness, I’ve added a link to where you can get a copy of Breakthrough Advertising for yourself.

AND, as promised, if you want help writing great HOOKS for your ads – based on the 5 levels Of Customer Awareness – make sure to grab a free copy of my HOT Headline Guide. 

I’ll see you next week with a brand new blog. Until then, I’m Alex. Ciao for now.

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