This EASY 5-step formula has helped THOUSANDS of new and aspiring copywriters land their very first client…
…and continue to consistently get more clients after that.
So if YOU’RE looking to launch your copywriting business this year, keep reading.
Hey, Posse! What’s up? It’s Alex.
Coming at ya this week to talk about something that new copywriters are ALWAYS asking me about…
How to find new clients on a regular and reliable basis.
So whether you’re looking for your very first client EVER…
Or you’ve already had a few clients here and there but are struggling to create consistency in your business…
THIS is for you.
This is the exact 5-step formula I teach to ALL of my copywriting students inside my annual copywriter coaching program, the Copy Posse Launch Pad.
But first this first, if you’re new to the crew – welcome!
Here on my blog you’ll learn all about all things freelancing, copywriting, marketing, and so much more. I’m here to help you build the online business of your DREAMS.
So if that sounds good to you, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when my next article goes out.
Now, here it is… my 5-step client attraction formula that has already helped thousands of my students start their copywriting businesses from scratch…
Starting with step #1…
Step #1: Create A Professional Portfolio
It is absolutely crucial to have a portfolio to start copywriting. This is the FIRST step.
Most clients won’t even consider working with you unless you have some work to showcase.
Now, if you’re thinking – “Wait a minute, I’m brand new. How will I build a portfolio if I don’t have clients, and how will I get clients if I don’t have a portfolio? ”
You’re not alone… that is what I like to call the Copywriter-Catch 22 and every copywriter feels this way when they’re first getting started.
That’s why I designed my 8-week copywriter coaching program to solve that exact issue for you…
By the end of the program, you won’t just be a better writer…
You ALSO have an entire professional and impressive portfolio filled with WORK that you can showcase to potential clients.
As I said, I only open doors to this LIVE copywriter coaching program ONE TIME EACH YEAR.
So if you’re looking to start and grow a successful copywriting business and get ALL of the coaching and support you need to ignite your copywriting business from scratch…
Then PLEASE join the waitlist now so you don’t miss the next enrollment.
Now, once you have your portfolio, you’re ready to start finding clients…
And that starts with defining your copywriter USP…
Step #2: Define Your Copywriter USP
If you’re going to offer your services to new clients, then you NEED to get crystal clear on what that offer is.
I hate to break it to ya but, “Hi, I’m a copywriter and I can write copy for you” ain’t gonna cut it.
So create a short, but highly specific, sentence that quickly summarizes EXACTLY what you offer.
This is what I call your USP Statement or Unique Selling Proposition.
This is sometimes referred to as an “elevator pitch” because in the time it takes an elevator to move 3 floors, you should be able to communicate: who you are, what you do, and how you can help.
This is really important because business owners are busy people.
They aren’t going to spend much time reading an email or message from a person if they have no clue who that person is, what they do or how they can help.
Your USP should be some version of…
I help [your dream customers] get/achieve [benefit] with [specific solution].
Alright, the next thing you need to figure out before searching for clients is your PREFERRED NICHE.
Step #3: Identify Your Preferred Niches
Now, notice how I said “preferred” and not “perfect” – there is NO such thing as a “Perfect” niche and the only way to find the RIGHT niche for you is to dabble in a few different niches before you find your sweet spot…
I have SO many students who think they’ll write in one niche and end up writing in a COMPLETELY different niche.
Like my Launch Pad grad Ann-Marie who recently told me she thought for SURE she would write in the personal development, wellness or travel niches…
But nope! She’s now a full-time freelancer working in the TECH and innovation niche! And she loves it!
So while you don’t need to have crystal clarity on what niche you want to write in, I highly recommend at least thinking about the TYPES of business you want to write for to help you narrow your focus…
I like to think that we ALL are a beautiful Venn diagram of different skills, passions, interests, and experiences…
And once you add your copywriting skills to that venn diagram, your previous skills, interests, and experiences don’t just disappear…
In fact, they can help you stand out EVEN MORE to the perfect client who’s LOOKING for your special mix.
So don’t discount everything you bring to the table!!
Step #4: Make Your Dream Client List
Alright, now that you have a portfolio, your USP and preferred niches…
It’s time to make your “dream client” list.
Make a list of 20-50 brands and businesses in your preferred niche you would love to work for.
And while yes, I think it’s great to put a couple of BIG clients on the list…
What I want you to do is approach this list from a more practical perspective.
Rather than selecting 20-50 MEGA brands like Apple or Nike who probably hire an entire agency to do their marketing and thus would be very unlikely to ever hire you…
I suggest doing some REAL research here.
- Find the small to mid-sized brands, businesses, suppliers, influencers or coaches – in your preferred niche – that you’d really like to work with.
- Who are the people you follow on social media? There are tons and tons of small businesses on social media. And I guarantee you, you’re following a lot of them within your niche.
- You can also Google local businesses within your niche.
- And take a look at the products in your home! The brands that you’re already super loyal to and really love.
These are GREAT businesses to put on your list because if you already have and use and love them… then you’re really going to stand out because you are ALREADY familiar with their brand, their voice, and their values.
Put these down on your list until you have 20-50 businesses.
Then sign up for their email lists, if you’re not already on them and follow them on social media if you’re not already.
So once you have those 4 steps done, you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and start the process of finding new clients…
Which brings me to….
Step #5: Discover Your Ideal Client-Getting Method
Now there are a TON of ways to find clients.
Over my 15+ years doing this, I’ve combined the best and most effective client acquisition strategies into FOUR MAIN STRATEGIES.
Now different strategies work for different people. You may use 1, 2 or all 4 to find clients.
Different personality types tend to naturally be more successful at one or two of these methods over another…
That’s why I created a FREE QUIZ to help you identify the #1 way BEST way for you to find clients based on your personality type, along with specific strategies that are more likely to work for YOU!!!
Fun right?! You’ll find the link to that Quiz right here.
But first, here are the 4 strategies with some cool stories I think you’ll love…
The HUNT Method is all about getting strategic and searching for clients that are a fit for you.
You are quite literally putting yourself out there and strategically HUNTING for your dream clients.
My student, Chi, from Season 2 of the Launch Pad got her first client by following them on social media and regularly checking out their posts. One day, they posted a copywriting opportunity, and she applied and got the job.
With the hunt method, your biggest goal is to get your foot in the door with a company you want to work with.
It may start as a smaller project or another role related to copywriting – like social media, project management, or community management.
In fact, a writer on my team first started working with me as a community manager. Even though she was technically a copywriter and didn’t necessarily “want” to be doing community management.
But she loved my brand and was excited to work with me NO MATTER WHAT THE ROLE WAS.
She happily came on board, started at just 5 hours a week, and was paid hourly. She did a great job, proved herself, was willing and eager to learn…
And it didn’t take long at all before she got on retainer and started taking on additional roles.
Now she has been working with me for 5 years and is one of two writers on my team.
The Gather Method is all about good old-fashioned networking and it should start with connecting with who you already know.
The number of success stories of my students who used this method to find their clients is HUGE!
Like Samantha – who mentioned she was taking a course with the Copy Posse and had someone reach out asking if she could write their emails…
And Michaela – who posted on her social media that she just joined one of my programs and had her first client reach out to her.
I have other students who told their current bosses what they were up to… and their bosses hired them and became their first clients!
And others who simply had a conversation with friends and strangers – which led to a referral for their very first client.
Like Linda – who told a friend of hers that she was learning copywriting and within 2 weeks that friend referred her to a client.
Or Evelyne – who told all her writer friends what she was up to and got a referral to one of their old clients.
Or Rob – who told an old colleague of his that he was getting into copywriting, looking for clients, and immediately got 2 referrals.
Remember, people want to work with people that they know, like and trust. Period.
Your skills are important YES, but that is not why they will hire you. They’ll hire you for YOU.
So show up. Be you. Let your personality shine through.
I love this story shared by student Abdel…
“I had a revelation during Posse week day 2. PEOPLE HIRE PEOPLE! First, when I saw that during the live session, I said to myself : ‘Yeah this is obvious, is Alex on drugs or on something else?’
And then Alex talked about showing your personality and I was like: “Oooooooooooooh, I see” with my mouth open for one minute.
I went back to my cold emails I sent recently. I clearly noted that I couldn’t sense my personality, my style, my way of expressing myself.
Why? Because I wanted the email to be professional AF! So I kept a very boring style but very professional, maybe too professional!
Okay, let’s write a cold email with no filter AT ALL, NO FILTER, I put words on a paper as it came in my brain. Then, I deleted some bad words because there were too many F words, bullshit…
I sent this email to a prospect I would like to work with for email marketing. Guess what?! After 4 hours, I got a reply from him!
He said:” You made me laugh!” and he wants to set up a call with me to discuss how I can help him.
I was just hiding my personality because I was afraid that potential clients reading my emails would find me crazy, not serious! But I was wrong! It feels so good to be myself!”
How freaking POWERFUL is that?
Never underestimate the power of being YOU.
The Play Method is all about planting seeds…
Plant seeds OFTEN and EVERYWHERE and, eventually, they will sprout.
Now, I’m not suggesting you go nuts sending cold outreach pitches to everyone left and right.
All you have to do is… wait for it… have conversations with people. Drop the agenda.
Chat with people on topics they care about, post relevant content, showcase your skills, start genuine conversations and share value in online business communities…
You’ll be surprised how far this can go for you.
I have students who had someone reach out to them MONTHS after a conversation they started. And if you can, join a community where you get access to a job board.
Trust me…
And it’s one of the biggest perks my students get when they join my LIVE copywriting program, the Copy Posse Launch Pad.
We have a job board that is updated frequently with new job opportunities – many of them are exclusively for my community.
In fact, Mel got her very first client through the Copy Posse Job Board… and then later landed a 6-figure A YEAR client – yep, also through the job board.
And The Slay Method is all about growing through referrals.
Once you start getting clients – no matter how small – show up, do the work, overdeliver, be flexible and available, never stop learning and improving and be open to feedback.
Do this and your clients will continue to pay you time and time again AND refer you to other clients in their network…
And THIS is the #1 fastest way to grow your business.
This is how I took my business from low 5-figures to multiple 6-figures as a freelancer back before I ever started the Copy Posse.
And it’s how so many of my students took the portfolio they wrote as part of the Launch Pad program…
And used it as THE launch pad for building fun, fulfilling and lucrative copywriting businesses.
Something that makes the Launch Pad super unique is that I don’t just teach you how to write good copy…
During this once-a-year program, I also GIVE YOU YOUR VERY FIRST CLIENT to write copy for…
Yup! It’s something I call my “A-list”.
In Week 1 of the Copy Posse Launch Pad, your job is to select a product to write your Launch Pad portfolio on…
But rather than write for a mock product or a big inaccessible brand that may never even see your portfolio copy…
I give you the option of writing your Launch Pad portfolio for an actual business that is looking for a copywriter RIGHT NOW.
You get to pick from my A-list of real products by real companies that are looking for copywriting support… for real… right now…
Which means you get to add real client copy to your portfolio PLUS get your work in front of a brand that is ACTUALLY looking for copy help and just might hire you for ongoing work.
OR refer you to another business they know who is looking for copy support.
Listen – finding clients and building a successful copywriting business isn’t “easy”.
I’ll be the first to tell you that.
It takes hard work and persistence.
You have to be willing to hear more “nos” than “yeses” – especially in the beginning.
But the truth is that clients are EVERYWHERE. I promise you, if you follow the 5 steps outlined in this blog and you take the time to discover and PRACTICE your ideal client acquisition strategy…
If you stick with it…
And you put yourself out there, consistently plant seeds, and don’t get in your own way…
You WILL find your first client… and your next one… and your next one… and before you know it, you’ll be building the copywriting business of your DREAMS.
Just like all the students I mentioned in this video.
And if you want to fast-track your progress, make sure to get on the waitlist for my 8-week coaching program!
This is where I’ll teach you everything I know about copywriting…
Help you create a portfolio that makes you stand out…
And makes it SO MUCH EASIER to find clients.
Now, I’m curious, which client-attraction type are you??? Let me know in the comments below!
I’ll see you next week with a brand new blog. Until then, I’m Alex. Ciao for now!
Until next time, I’m Alex. Ciao for now!