Learn How To Craft A Spellbinding Brand Voice That Helps You Stand Out, Sell Out & Effortlessly Attract Your Dream Customers – In Only 5 Days

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In this step-by-step marketing training, 2022 Marketer of the Year, Alex Cattoni, will guide you step-by-step through her powerful Posse Eye framework: the 4-core storytelling and copywriting elements you need to craft a potent positioning strategy, evoke your Brand Voice and create messaging that will captivate your ideal audience, charm your customers and call in raving fans — effortlessly.

In case you haven’t noticed…

The market is a freakin’ screaming match, where the average person is inundated with up to 10,000 marketing messages per day…

Yet every single day, new offers are created, new ads are run, new posts are published, and new products are launched by businesses trying to force-feed their audience with more “buy my stuff” B.S.

They put every red penny into trying to outscream the competition with the loudest claim or the cheapest price… and have zero consideration for what their customer will experience after that first purchase.

And with bandwagon businesses, opportunistic offers, and “copy/paste” creators flooding the space with hypey, stolen or generic robo-copy — mediocre messaging is no longer a danger to your business, but a sure-fire way to destroy it. 

So as a business owner, copywriter, or marketer looking to stand out above the noise – there is really only one question you should be absolutely obsessed with:

In a world where attention is the most valuable commodity… how do you command it instead of demand it?

How do you craft a message so insanely captivating that you effortlessly attract your ideal audience and turn your customers into raving fans who come to you?

Yup, the answer is branding…

And no, I’m not talking about visual branding — a bold design, an eye-catching logo, a recognizable font, signature colors, and a slick product.

While design is absolutely an essential part of branding and identity, let’s not forget that: 

Nike didn’t redefine the athletic industry with just a swoosh…
Apple didn’t explode out of nowhere with just sleek design…
It wasn’t just the innovative fabric technology that made customers crazy for Spanx…
It wasn’t just the simple design that made Toms Shoes a global sensation…
And the Copy Posse didn’t grow from zero to hundreds of thousands of rad humans in under 3 years with just tigers and lightning bolts…

The most iconic and memorable businesses have long understood that messaging comes before marketing

That having a distinct identity, compelling story, and consistent Brand Voice is how you create unshakeable trust with your audience and pave the way for long-term loyalty

That making your audience feel seen, safe, and understood is the biggest difference between pushy marketing and persuasive marketing…

That getting so clear on why you’re here, who you serve, and what you stand for is the best-kept secret to creating a magnetic message that no other brand can touch

And that when you so fiercely embody your values, you don’t need to scream for attention – you effortlessly attract it.

That is the power of branding.

As an anonymous copywriter who spent nearly a decade working behind the scenes in the marketing industry…

I’ve watched many businesses launch and many businesses fail…

I’ve seen trends change, fads fade, and tactics so overused and abused that I’d cringe with every scroll. 

I’ll be honest…

Back in 2019, I became so jaded by the “get rich quick” mentality that flooded the Internet and hypey claims selling lightning in a bottle that I almost gave up completely.

I’d roll my eyes every time I was approached by a misled client who would ask me to write a high-converting sales page and email campaign that would launch their business overnight…

They’d expect me to write the magic words that would help them instantly find, educate, persuade, and convert their customers — ALL within a single campaign…

As if I was some sort of marketing unicorn who shit rainbows and cash.

Well, as both a copywriter for 10 years and now a business owner who hires copywriters, let me be clear:

Even the best copywriter in the world can’t save your mediocre messaging.

Sure, we’re genius storytellers, persuasive communicators, and brilliant marketers…

But without a clear, compelling, and consistent Brand Voice to guide our efforts, we may as well be writing your business’s obituary… 

Because it’s no longer enough to just rely on the latest conversion tricks, “cookie-cutter” templates, or the classic “I saw so-and-so do this” marketing tactic…

The algorithm shifts by the second (what used to work no longer does), there’s a “hot” new social media platform on the scene every season (remember Clubhouse?), and technology is evolving faster than we can keep up (there are already hundreds of A.I. tools online as we speak)

And while these trends, tools and tactics can offer you a temporary leg-up, they are not a shortcut to building a brand people TRUST…

They will continue to change forever, just like the weather. So how do you weather the storm?

Your Brand Voice is so much more than a marketing trend or tactic. It’s so much more than just defining your mission, vision, and values…

It’s about crafting a message so captivating and an experience so incomparable that your customers come to you.

Even amongst the noise, your Brand Rally Cry will reverberate in the minds of your raving fans so much so that they will never even humor the idea of an alternative… 

And when the winds of change inevitably blow, it becomes the eye of the storm – the quiet place of calm and clarity from which your marketing draws its power.

Your Brand Voice is the powerful stand-out strategy you need to stand out, sell out and effortlessly attract your dream customers.

In this first-of-its-kind Challenge, I’ll guide you step-by-step through my powerful Posse Eye framework: the 4-core storytelling and copywriting elements you need to craft a potent positioning strategy, evoke your Brand Voice and create messaging that will captivate your ideal audience, charm your customers and call in raving fans — effortlessly.

This is the same framework I used to go from anonymous copywriter to founder of a 7-figure brand in one year, build a community of over 300,000 raving fans in an overserved and oversaturated market, and be crowned Marketer of the Year in 2022.

Now it’s your turn…

4 Ways This Challenge Will Help You Stand Out & Sell Out

Gain Unshakeable Clarity & Conviction

Throughout this Challenge, you’ll get to the core of who you are and what you stand for. When you align your brand drives, beliefs, and values with those of your dream customer, you’ll gain unshakeable clarity and conviction that will deeply strengthen your marketing and messaging.

Become A Masterful Storyteller

Your brand story is the authenticity anchor that sets the tone for every single campaign you create in your business. During this Challenge, you’ll discover how to craft a captivating and relatable story that builds authority, creates trust and inspires irrational brand loyalty.

Identify Your Positioning Strategy

The Posse Eye is a step-by-step, customizable framework that you can immediately apply to your own brand and business. Watch as Alex showcases her proprietary process using real-life brands in a variety of niches and shows you how to create your own stand-out positioning strategy.

Discover Your Brand Rally Cry

Over the course of 5 days, you’ll uncover your unique Brand Rally Cry, the unifying call that will captivate your customers and rally raving fans. Plus – you’ll walk away with your own beautifully designed Brand Voice Guide that you can use to create powerful, consistent, and compelling marketing campaigns every single time.



6 Questions That Evoke Your Power Values

Today, 89% of customers are loyal to brands that share their values and that only means one thing – it’s no longer enough to have the highest quality product or the cheapest price. If you want to stand out and rise above the noise, you’ve got to get crystal clear on who you are (really) and what you stand for. In this session, we’ll evoke your power values and unlock your conviction codes, the magnetic coordinates that call in your dream customers.



Becoming The Trusted Source Your Customers Seek

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the brand to rule them all? Now that you’ve identified who you are as a brand, it’s important to deeply understand who you serve. On day 2, you’ll identify your brand personality and the unique ways you reflect your values to the world. With the Mentor’s Mirror, you’ll find out how to emotionally connect with your customer’s core values, drives and desires to become the trusted source for the guidance they seek.



How To Craft A Brand DNA Beyond Compare

On day 3 of the Challenge, I’ll help you identify your brand DNA – the stand-out positioning strategy that makes you different from any other brand out there. You’ll crystallize the most important messaging assets in any Brand Voice, unapologetically declare your mission and map out your action plan for total world domination. Take it from me, when you fight for what you believe in and fiercely serve your customers, it’s Mission Posse-ble.



3 Steps To Building A Powerful Brand Story

Your story is the window to your brand’s soul. It’s how your customers connect to you, rally behind you and stay with you. Every great brand has a powerful story – a domino effect of defining moments, scary pivots and late night “ahas!” that led you to where you are now… and future events, yet to happen, that will continue to guide your path as you build your empire. In this session, you’ll learn how to craft a deeply relatable brand story using our proven 3-part storytelling structure.



Conjuring A Spellbinding Brand Voice

Now that you’ve identified all 4 elements of your brand strategy, it’s time to look through the Posse Eye to discover your Brand Rally Cry. On day 5, you’ll learn how to conjure a spellbinding Brand Voice and craft the unifying call that will captivate your customers and rally raving fans. You’ll walk away with your very own Brand Voice Guide and discover the practical ways you can use it to bring clarity to your messaging and ignite your mission.

Value: $3,250

Join Today For Only $197

Since 2011, I’ve helped launch several successful brands and have proudly partnered with many of the hottest transformational authors and businesses on the planet, writing high-converting sales copy, scaling multi-million dollar brands, and crafting iconic promotional campaigns.

It is my conviction that the BEST copywriting today combines proven marketing principles with modern-day branding and storytelling.

Yet, after nearly a decade of working behind the scenes in the online marketing world, I was noticing a dangerous divide in the industry.

While there were a lot of brilliant and authentic marketers out there, many still used manipulative, hypey, and severely outdated sales tactics that I just didn’t vibe with…

That’s why, in 2019, I launched the Copy Posse — the raddest, baddest crew of copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs from around the world on mission to de-douchify the Internet, redefine modern marketing, and make caring cool again.⁠⁠

I believe your message matters and your words can change the world. You have the power to create the life of your dreams, build a lucrative business, AND make an impact on humanity with the type of marketing that today’s businesses need and today’s audiences crave.

Through our online programs and social communities, we’ve helped over 300,000 rad humans find more freedom, have more fun, and sell more products and services… without selling out on their integrity.

Join our empathy empire,

“The satisfaction I felt when my clients were RAVING about the guide I created was so worth it.”

I’ve been working on my brand voice and messaging skills all year and was wondering “What can I do to take my skills to the next level?” The next week, Alex started marketing the Posse Eye challenge and I KNEW it would be a valuable investment. I bought my way in as soon as the doors opened, and I wasn’t disappointed! I was able to validate everything I already knew, learn new ways to do what I was already doing, and discover new skills and tools to develop a brand voice. And the satisfaction I felt when Alex, the Posse Eye participants, and my clients were RAVING about the guide I created was so worth it.

Jemilla M.
Posse Eye Challenger

“The satisfaction I felt when my clients were RAVING about the guide I created was so worth it. ”

I’ve been working on my brand voice and messaging skills all year and was wondering “What can I do to take my skills to the next level?”. The next week, Alex started marketing the Posse Eye challenge and I KNEW it would be a valuable investment. I bought my way in as soon as the doors opened, and I wasn’t disappointed! I was able to validate everything I already knew, learn new ways to do what I was already doing, and discover new skills and tools to develop a brand voice. And the satisfaction I felt when Alex, the Posse Eye participants, and my clients were RAVING about the guide I created was so worth it.

Jemilla M.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Finally got clarity about my brand AND my business.”

The minute I saw the info about this challenge I knew I had to join it. I know Alex from her content on YouTube. So I already had an idea how useful it is. What I did not expect was how insanely valuable the challenge will be…

Silviya R.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Finally got clarity about my brand AND my business.”

The minute I saw the info about this challenge I knew I had to join it. I know Alex from her content on YouTube. So I already had an idea how useful it is. What I did not expect was how insanely valuable the challenge will be.

For just five days I got clarity not only on my brand voice but on my entire business.

All the information was extremely valuable, the exercises were made to help you get the answers with ease. And Alex and her team made sure there is no question unanswered. And the community… The best and most supportive community I’ve been part of.

The best spent money ever! I will definitely continue with the other Copy Posse programs.

Silviya R.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Mind-boggling Challenge That Helped me Land A New Client”

Being a Copy Posse trained copywriter, part of almost all the courses, I couldn’t expect less from this badass group and community. BUT this particular program blew my mind and shook my spine with the value and the awe-inspiring knowledge it offered. Having been in the industry for some time now, I have not seen ANYONE else invest so much time, energy, and empathy in Brand Voice.

This program transformed my Brand Voice game and all my clients’ brand game, name, and fame. While I was a part of this challenge, I chose to write for myself, but you can never hide good things, can you? I landed a new client to craft their BV and extended the SOW for an existing client. Omens, you know?

I hope you know by now that this is a no-brainer!

Posse Eye Challenger

“Mind-boggling Challenge That Helped me Land A New Client”

Being a Copy posse trained copywriter, part of almost all the courses, I couldn’t expect less from this badass group and community. BUT this particular program blew my mind and shook my spine with the value and the awe-inspiring knowledge it offered. Having been in the industry for some time now, I have not seen ANYONE else invest so much time, energy, and empathy in Brand Voice.

This program transformed my Brand Voice game and all my clients’ brand game, name, and fame. While I was a part of this challenge, I chose to write for myself, but you can never hide good things, can you? I landed a new client to craft their BV and extended the SOW for an existing client. Omens, you know?

I hope you know by now that this is a no-brainer!

Posse Eye Challenger


“Copywriting at a World Cup Level”

In one word: SENSATIONAL!

This incomparable Copywriting Experience is a stunning exploration of your company’s Non-Negotiable Values…

Jeroen N.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Copywriting at a World Cup Level ”

In one word: SENSATIONAL!

This incomparable Copywriting Experience is a stunning exploration of your company’s Non-Negotiable Values…

Within just two weeks you will walk away with a Possefied Brand Voice Guide… That even the Big Brands will Adore!

Ask yourself:

In what way do you want to communicate inside and outside the organization? In what way do you want employees to become ambassadors of your brands? Which brand voice and phraseology suit your company best?

And in what way will you ensure that you differentiate your business from all competitors in the market while giving your brands a heartbeat?

I had the same questions, and Alex had all the answers!

Rise above the noise and give your brand a VOICE!

P.S. If you want to learn copywriting…

There’s only one good way -> The Cattoni Way 

Grab your chance to learn directly from the Marketer of the Year!

Jeroen N.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Found My Target Audience Thanks to the Posse Eye Challenge”

Two years after launching my writing business (two weeks before the 2020 pandemic shut down California), I still had no target audience for marketing purposes.

Tonya T.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Found My Target Audience Thanks to the Posse Eye Challenge”

Two years after launching my writing business (two weeks before the 2020 pandemic shut down California), I still had no target audience for marketing purposes.

Then, Alex and The Copy Posse introduced the Posse Eye Challenge. Having NO IDEA what a Brand Voice Guide was, I took the dive, and WOW, what a swim!

The Posse Eye Challenge made me dig deep into why I started my business and who I want to work with, i.e. my target audience! HOT DAMN! Searching to figure this out for two years and then BOOM, the Posse Eye Challenge opened my eyes!

Empathetic people see our businesses as our babies. I wanted my baby to generate organic connections with all from solopreneurs to corporations, men, and women. Thanks to the Posse Eye Challenge, I now know how to help my baby befriend the right playmates in the business park.

The Posse Eye Challenge was a game-changer. It’s a lot of work with GREAT value!

Thank you, Alex. Thank you, Copy Posse! Thank you, fellow Brand Voice Alchemists!

Tonya T.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Taught Me How To Transform Any Business”

Alex is amazing.

Not only is she an insanely gifted copywriter, but she’s even better at teaching it. Her energy, authenticity, and clarity are second to none, and she has a gift of bringing people together.

The Posse Eye helped hundreds of people learn how to create and sell extremely high quality branding for high ticket businesses, in a short space of time.

Hands down the best experience of my copywriting career to date.

Posse Eye Challenger

“Taught Me How To Transform Any Business”

Alex is amazing.

Not only is she an insanely gifted copywriter, but she’s even better at teaching it. Her energy, authenticity, and clarity are second to none, and she has a gift of bringing people together.

The Posse Eye helped hundreds of people learn how to create and sell extremely high quality branding for high ticket businesses, in a short space of time.

Hands down the best experience of my copywriting career to date.

Posse Eye Challenger

“Loved This Process”

I’ve worked on brand materials in my corporate job, but I loved learning Alex’s process. She guided us through the creation of a comprehensive brand voice guide one day at a time throughout the challenge…

Stephanie S.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Loved This Process”

I’ve worked on brand materials in my corporate job, but I loved learning Alex’s process. She guided us through the creation of a comprehensive brand voice guide one day at a time throughout the challenge, with each exercise building on the previous one. Paired with the training calls and Q&A sessions, it was a great way to learn a repeatable process and how to really go deep with the brand. Copy Posse fire!

Stephanie S.
Posse Eye Challenger

“I think this is the foundation of trust for a business”

If you’re someone who enjoys understanding how the bits and pieces create the whole system.. this challenge is for you. When I was going through brand websites to notice patterns, on my own…

Posse Eye Challenger

“I think this is the foundation of trust for a business”

If you’re someone who enjoys understanding how the bits and pieces create the whole system.. this challenge is for you. When I was going through brand websites to notice patterns, on my own.. I was about 80% there. I decided to take this challenge to see if I was missing anything. Definitely glad I did because it made so much more sense AND I got a cute, yet info packed reference book at the end of it. And now everything feels whole and it just came full circle. PK Posse Eye Challenger

I have become a die-hard remember on the Copy Posse. It was great good fun and gave me a good understanding of putting together a brand voice, which was something completely new to me. I’ve been working in media for 35 years — I started as a broadcaster and did some copywriting in my day as a radio copywriter. But to learn the craft of persuasive copywriting has been great for me and I really enjoyed it. I love Alex’s open approach and really friendly demeanor. I’ve had a great time and I’m sure you will too on any courses you choose to do with the Copy Posse!

Posse Eye Challenger

I have become a die-hard remember on the Copy Posse. It was great good fun and gave me a good understanding of putting together a brand voice, which was something completely new to me. I’ve been working in media for 35 years — I started as a broadcaster and did some copywriting in my day as a radio copywriter. But to learn the craft of persuasive copywriting has been great for me and I really enjoyed it. I love Alex’s open approach and really friendly demeanor. I’ve had a great time and I’m sure you will too on any courses you choose to do with the Copy Posse!

Posse Eye Challenger

“Awaken Your Posse Eye With This Jaw-dropping Discovery”

Ugh, dammit, Alex and the Posse team…

Challenge after challenge, you continue to blow my mind in the most fantastic way.

And that’s what I love about your brand.

You see, the Posse Eye Challenge has an eye on the deeper level of what a brand voice guide is — heart and soul…

Isabelle S.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Awaken Your Posse Eye With This Jaw-dropping Discovery”

Ugh, dammit, Alex and the Posse team…

Challenge after challenge, you continue to blow my mind in the most fantastic way.

And that’s what I love about your brand.

You see, the Posse Eye Challenge has an eye on the deeper level of what a brand voice guide is — heart and soul.

I’m *so* ecstatic that I joined — lowkey, I was going to skip this challenge, shocker, right?

And to anyone else that’s second-guessing about taking this challenge then this is your sign to join. Because THIS is the missing piece of the puzzle for any business — yours included.

So you can amplify what makes you, you.

All while creating the impact & vision you thrive for in your unique way.

You see, going through each day of the challenge is like a jaw-dropping discovery.

And once you put everything together, it becomes a vital puzzle piece for you & your brand.

Not only that but I love how actionable each day is that you’ll feel confident as your Posse eye awakens.

And once you get to the end of the challenge, you’ll feel gobsmacked and in awe with your creation.

Because hell yeah, you created a juicy brand voice guide and invested in yourself.

Now no matter what business stage you’re at, I can not express how much this challenge is for you and your company.

This is your opportunity to be many steps ahead and have your kick-arse brand voice guide.

Now that’s Posse power!

Isabelle S.
Posse Eye Challenger

“She’s done it again!”

I swear everything Alex puts out into the universe is pure magic! I had just completed her Write & Ignite Challenge when she introduced the Posse Eye Challenge…

Miranda B.
Posse Eye Challenger

“She’s done it again!”

I swear everything Alex puts out into the universe is pure magic! I had just completed her Write & Ignite Challenge when she introduced the Posse Eye Challenge, so it was a no-brainer to jump aboard. Not only did it give me clarity in my own business, but it’s something I can now offer my clients. The entire challenge is laid out in a way that takes you step-by-step through the process of building a Brand Voice Guide without overcomplicating things. Thanks Alex – I can’t wait to be a part of your Launch Pad Season 4!

Miranda B.
Posse Eye Challenger

“Branding Prayers Answered”

I love how well the challenge was structured and the best part was walking away with a complete brand guide at the end. The feel of the copy posse community was EVERYTHINGGGG and the step-by-step frameworks in the workbooks are so easy to follow. This was what my marketing was missing… a magnetic brand voice to rally my dream clients. – Entrepreneur Vee

Posse Eye Challenger

“Branding Prayers Answered”

I love how well the challenge was structured and the best part was walking away with a complete brand guide at the end. The feel of the copy posse community was EVERYTHINGGGG and the step-by-step frameworks in the workbooks are so easy to follow. This was what my marketing was missing… a magnetic brand voice to rally my dream clients. – Entrepreneur Vee

Posse Eye Challenger

“Added More Value To My Business & My Mindset”

The brand voice challenge was so much more valuable than I could have ever imagined! It was value packed in and of itself but it empowered me to feel like I have so much more value to offer my clients and that I can do that with confidence. I loved being able to walk away with a portfolio asset and a new skill /service that I could implement immediately! Plus, being in a live group with the posse was SO GOOD! Being around so many likeminded writers helped me remove some of that imposter syndrome and reminded me of the power of community.

Posse Eye Challenger

“Added More Value To My Business & My Mindset”

The brand voice challenge was so much more valuable than I could have ever imagined! It was value packed in and of itself but it empowered me to feel like I have so much more value to offer my clients and that I can do that with confidence. I loved being able to walk away with a portfolio asset and a new skill /service that I could implement immediately! Plus, being in a live group with the posse was SO GOOD! Being around so many likeminded writers helped me remove some of that imposter syndrome and reminded me of the power of community.

Posse Eye Challenger

“It helped me re-write my entire website”

The Posse Eye Challenge gives you the right business tools for life. Yes, it’s an amazing skill to have as a copywriter. Yes, you’ll create an awesome Brand Voice Guide but for me it was a lot more than that…

Natali L.
Posse Eye Challenger

“It helped me re-write my entire website”

The Posse Eye Challenge gives you the right business tools for life. Yes, it’s an amazing skill to have as a copywriter. Yes, you’ll create an awesome Brand Voice Guide but for me it was a lot more than that. 

For months, I didn’t know how to articulate my message clearly, how to speak about what I want to do in clear and compelling terms, and my website was all over the place. 

I’ve now created content through this challenge that I am going to feature on my website and all my social media channels. Content that solidifies my brand and showcases clearly, who I am, what I stand for and who I serve. And I’ll be going back to this content, again and again, every time I want to introduce a new service or create a new product to make sure my entire brand ecosystem is aligned. 

I would normally have to hire a brand strategist and pay them multiple 000s to gain that insight but here you get all of that and more at a fraction of the cost! I can’t believe how generous Alex is with her knowledge!

Natali L.
Posse Eye Challenger

“The missing piece to the puzzle”

After 3 months of learning about copywriting, persuasion and marketing, I still felt like something is missing. I couldn’t quite identify what it was, but when I saw Alex post on IG about her newest program it clicked immediately!

Posse Eye Challenger

“The missing piece to the puzzle”

After 3 months of learning about copywriting, persuasion and marketing, I still felt like something is missing. I couldn’t quite identify what it was, but when I saw Alex post on IG about her newest program it clicked immediately! Branding and messaging is essential to all businesses, and quietly every single one wants a consistent and guiding Brand Voice. It simply makes everything easier: onboarding, communication, marketing and of course copywriting. 

In this course, Alex taught me how to produce high quality Brand Voice Guides that I can provide to my clients. She gave me tools, frameworks, and a straight line approach to get to the desired result. Very happy with myself to have accepted the Posse Eye Challenge, as I left with a new marketing skill and fresh confidence in my capabilities! Thank you Alex and the Posse Team!

Posse Eye Challenger

“Opened my eyes to a whole new level of branding!”

I cannot stress enough, everything the Copy Posse puts together is gold. Alex’s energy and knowledge made every class worth every minute of my time. 

Posse Eye Challenger

“Opened my eyes to a whole new level of branding!”

I cannot stress enough, everything the Copy Posse puts together is gold. Alex’s energy and knowledge made every class worth every minute of my time. This wasn’t only helpful for creating a Brand Voice Guide but so great for understanding everything that goes into branding. I cannot recommend it enough if you’re creating a brand for your own company or for someone else’s!

Posse Eye Challenger

“The right course at the perfect time!”

I was having trouble getting it all together for my clients and offering them the Brand Voice Guide service. I was trying to put it together when I saw Alex’s course. I didn’t have any doubts it would be a game changer as I already have done other challenges with her. It was an amazing experience and now I am already offering this service to my clients (got the investment back x2 in two weeks time!). Thank Alex and the Posse team!

Posse Eye Challenger

“The right course at the perfect time!”

I was having trouble getting it all together for my clients and offering them the Brand Voice Guide service. I was trying to put it together when I saw Alex’s course. I didn’t have any doubts it would be a game changer as I already have done other challenges with her. It was an amazing experience and now I am already offering this service to my clients (got the investment back x2 in two weeks time!). Thank Alex and the posse team!

Posse Eye Challenger

“This course was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced”

In just the short space of the challenge, Alex opened my eyes to ways to capturing a business’s brand voice that I never knew existed. She puts so much into her challenges…not only the materials, but her energy and willingness to answer questions. She’s so positive and gives so much knowledge. Everyday my jaw dropped at something she said or a discovery I made using the workbook and taking part in the training.

Libby S.
Posse Eye Challenger

“This course was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced”

In just the short space of the challenge, Alex opened my eyes to ways to capturing a business’s brand voice that I never knew existed. She puts so much into her challenges…not only the materials, but her energy and willingness to answer questions. She’s so positive and gives so much knowledge. Everyday my jaw dropped at something she said or a discovery I made using the workbook and taking part in the training.

I’m still amazed.

I’ve connected with two clients already to offer the BVG, that never would have been possible with Alex and the challenge group.

Libby S.
Posse Eye Challenger

Value: $3,250

Join Today For Only $197

Frequently Asked Questions

The Challenge is a self-study video training program.

Although it was taught and designed to take place over 10 days, with 5 Video Trainings, 2 Q&A sessions and 3 bonus trainings…

You can absolutely progress through the program at your own pace…

Binge all at once, or go slow and steady – whatever works best for you! We are all on journeys and have different schedules.

As soon as you join the Challenge, you’ll get access to the Copy Posse Membership Portal so you can start asap.

Day 1 will be available immediately and a new video training will be unlocked as you progress through the challenge. 

You will also be invited to join the private Posse Eye Facebook group, which is a valuable way for you to network with fellow participants and help each other along the way!

Each training takes approximately 90 minutes. There will also be daily homework and exercises that should take an additional 1-2 hours a day to complete. Expect to spend at least 4 hours for each day of training.

You will have lifetime access to all challenge videos, workbooks, exercises and discussion topics in the Membership Portal.

Yes! The frameworks that I’ll be teaching can be used for any product or service in the B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) industries. I’ve used the same strategies and Brand Voice process for brands in personal growth, spirituality, wellness, lifestyle, coaching, software, e-commerce, online education and more.

We do not offer refunds. The Posse Eye Challenge is specifically created for people who understand the value behind this experience and have set the intention to actually apply the practical tools and insights I will be providing.

When you join a Copy Posse program, you’re in the Posse for life. We’ll never give you up or let you down… And that’s why by paying only $197 you’re getting thousands of dollars in value back. That’s our “return” policy!

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